Media Relations

Walbrook has very strong relationships with financial media across all categories - national business, regional business, financial magazines, newsletters, stock tipping websites and newswires.

With nearly 1,100 companies on the Main Market and a further 850 plus on AIM, building a following by both financial and sector focused media calls for considerable talent and experience - especially for smaller growing companies.

We are well used to advising small cap and AIM companies, formulating proactive campaigns to educate the media, thereby helping our clients to stand out from the crowd.

Because our client base is made of smaller companies (the average market capitalisation of our clients is c. £60m) we know the journalists that look at Small Cap and AIM companies particularly well. We take a proactive approach to media relations and develop relationships between journalists and our clients through regular contact at results but also via one-to-one update meetings, site visits and corporate entertainment.

Who We Work With